Blogger Gets a New Comment System – Review

Comment_User Yes its Blogger again in news now. A Few days back we had compiled a short list of features that Blogger might need to address for its comment review and spam detection system Looks like people at Google certainly have paid attention to what bloggers round the world have asked for. Blogger has just released a new comment system which has addressed a few problems that were asked for.

Most of you would have started seeing the new ‘COMMENTS’ tab in your blogger dashboard. This is the place which allows you to have more control over what and how your comments are posted.image It has two sub tabs namely Published and Spam. Published is the place where all your comments which are visible on the blog are placed, which can be reviewed from there. The second tab named spam is where the automatically detected spam comments are placed. For those who have enabled moderation on their blogs can see a third tab named ‘Awaiting Moderation’ besides these two tabs.

In the Published tab you can see the comments already published and you have an option to either mark them as spam, delete the comment or clear the contents of the comment. While in the spam tab you have an option to either delete them or mark them as not Spam. This can be seen in the screenshots below.

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There are two major changes that can be observed from this. Firstly Multiple comments can be managed / deleted at a single go. Secondly the ability to mark comment as spam. There are still some that need to be addressed for on how comments should be changed for blogger. There are still a few concerns that have been raised by the blogger community after these changes, most notable that the spam comments pop up again. Now that's one thing that needs to be seen on how Blogger detects a comment as a spam. or whether marking a comment as spam has any affect on future comments, and how spam is separated from others genuine ones, is it email or the website URL or the name itself.

But all things said and done, it is a welcome change, and we all should appreciate that. ;) Till then happy blogging guys :)

LINKS : Official Notification | What all needs to be changed in Blogger Comments | Blogger


  1. Interesting new features for Blogger. Although they should have implemented those some time ago, it's better later than never.

  2. Blogger keep introducing new features, and I think they will released the autoresponder soon!

  3. this is wonderful post that fills all requirement of article

  4. this post covers all aspects of article


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