How to Chat in Hindi in Google Talk

So you wanted to talk in Hindi during Chat. You have got a way to do so. Google had released Transliterations in Hindi some time back, and now they have released Chat bots to translate English into Hindi. So now you can send text in Hindi to your friends during chats.

So in order to chat in Hindi you have to add the Google Translation bot to your Google talk friend list. So all you have to do is add
to your Google talk friends.
# So select +Add button in Google Talk and add .
# Press Next and Finish.
# You will have a new buddy added as , Start Chat with it.
# Type anything in English and it will translate it into Hindi and reply.

So you can copy the text and paste into the Chat window on any of your friends. This way you can chat in Hindi on any Messenger , I have tried it with Live and Yahoo Messengers. Actually it can be used as a language understanding tool but these bots are not 100% accurate and so show errors. Here is a complete list of Bots for different bots that can be used by speakers of other languages to Translate. Complete List of Google Talk Bots

UPDATE : Better way to Translate English to Hindi


  1. Hi Keshav, welcome to . Great to see someone just leave a Hi! Anyways enjoy the Blog

  2. after copying from, and we paste on another chat person space "it show block block block.....
    how can i use it properly?

  3. Hi after pasting in gtalk the next button is not highlight.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Wow ! it is such a great information. I will use it in my google talk. It will be really enjoyable in talking in hindi. Good to share it.

  6. Hi Anonymous,

    Your Question: Hi after pasting in gtalk the next button is not highlight.

    Solution(might be): some time while adding friends in Gtalk, we just keep space before or after of email id like
    " " i would suggest just go through it and put the email id properly.

  7. Gtalk is really great.

    my Friend dont know English properly so she asked me to find how to Talk in Hindi in Gtalk.

    Thanks for ur Information.

  8. Gtalk has got some awesome features. Good to see. Hope they keep up the good work.

  9. Gtalk have some good features which i didnt know

    thanks a ton.

  10. hi I am new for talk

  11. not working tall me how to restart this chat again?....


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