Yahoo Chat on Websites [PingBox]

Yes this is true, With the launch of Yahoo Messenger 9 which we had informed you of, There comes a surprise induction of a service , which was not present in any of the beta releases of the Messenger. It is the new ‘PingBox’ service which allows the site visitors to Interact with you, right from the website or Blog. A frankly good service , somewhat on the Lines of what is being dished out by Meebo’s Similar service. The flash based widget can be used onto any page, be it be a Blog or a Website or even MySpace profile page.

The service is similar to the Google TalkBack service which was launched some time back, And lets the Users Interact with you anytime you are Online on Yahoo Messenger 9. You can Enable the PingBox service right from your Yahoo Messenger, By going to :

Menubar > Messenger > My PingBox

or you can visit PingBox page to create one

You can Customize the widget accordingly and set the Custom Messages too


pingbox-visitorAs an when any Visitor comes online You can see them in your Messenger window, and Hovering over them would Show which page they are online from. But If you Apply This on a Website with Huge Traffic then it might just get a Bit out of Control, So You are advised to handle this with care.

Related Links: Yahoo! Messenger 9 | Yahoo! PingBox


  1. Each time you win, you get closer to the high score.The person with the highest score can ask for a real prize to be sent -like by mail - but that's optional.


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